Page history
last edited
by Carla Arena 8 years, 10 months ago
Welcome to BrazilBridges
This space is all about sharing the professional experience of a Brazilian educator,teacher trainer and passionate user of digital tools to enhance English teaching and learning. What I learn within my networks and with my classroom practices, I share them here.
- A World of Mobile Learning - Online course by Mark Pegrum - Special participation on the unit on From m-Learning to u-Learning - March 2016
- CTJ Learning Lab - Designing an online training session with moderators about Google Apps for education - March 2016
The Classroom Gurus Project: Successes and Challenges - 3rd Alumni, CTJ & IBEU TEFL Seminar, Rio de Janeiro, July 14, 2015
- Google Classroom - LTSIG Pre-Conference Event. Manchester - UK, Abril/2015
- From Sins to Virtues in Design for Learning. 10th CTJ TEFL Seminar. Brasília, Julho/2014
- From Sins to Virtues in Design for Learning. BRAZTESOL Conference. João Pessoa, Maio/2014
- International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Blended Learning.
Online Collaboration: A Hands-on Wiki Session and a Showcase of Educator-Generated Digital. Florianópolis, Outubro/2014
- Filtering Relevant Content for the EFL Classroom Through Digital Curation - BrazTESOL Conference, Rio de Janeiro, July 2012
- Professores Conectados e em Constante Aprendizado - Colégio Marista de Brasília, June 2012
- Enhancing Teacher Learning Skills Through Free and Open Online Training Sessions - Social Learning Summit, Online Conference, April 2012
- Professional Development: Making Waves Through Online Circles of Learning - Invited Speaker, TESOL 2012, Philadelphia, March 2012
- Cultural Expeditions in the Classroom Gone Digital - EFL-IS Primary Intersection session, TESOL 2012, Philadelphia, March 2012
- Histórico e Perspectiva sobre CALL- UNB, Apresentação para Mestrandos da Linguística Aplicada, Novembro2010
- eLearning Speedgeeking - Webheads Session, Elluminate, November 2010
- Share, Connect, Learn - Pecha Kucha Presentation, Braz-TESOL Brasilia, November 2010
- Use of MOODLE + Web 2.0 Tools in an EFL eLearning Context - TESOL ARABIA Ed Tech SIG, October 2010
- The Appropriate Use of Technology in the EFL Classroom (MacMillan School for Teachers 2010)
- TDC Workshop_2nd2010 Brasilia, August 2010
- Braz-TESOL Conference - A Potpourri of Cool Digital Tools for the Language Classroom - July 2010
- TESOL Conference, Boston, March 2010
- CTJ In-Service - From Incubation to Practice / 12 Digital Ideas for the Classroom
- TDC Workshop - March 2010
- Blogging4Educators - 42nd TESOL Convention - April 2008 - Electronic Village Presentation about the EVO six-week online session
Pursuing Professional Development - Language Teaching
Webheads in Action
Join Learning With Computers
Join Edutech Sig - TESOL Brasil
TESOL Online Education Programs
Teaching English - British Council
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