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Page history last edited by Carla Arena 13 years, 10 months ago


Webhead Get-Together

November 14th, 2010


Recording of the session here.


Carla Arena



Teresa D'Eça

online presence
- past few years, a wiki (user-friendly and simple to create and  organize a set of pages "collaboratively") + a CMS: 
Yahoo Groups (messages, links,  files, list of members, database, calendar with reminders sent out to members, poll)
- chat: Skype, Yahoo Messenger (YM) 
- vClassrooms: Elluminate, WizIq
- Twitter (microblogging or telegram-type digital communication: max of 140 characters)
- podcasts, video tutorials, live presentations

online engagement
- daily contact through email to gradually build a sense of community, give participants timely help, clarify doubts...
- regular live availability through chat to give timely help or just socialize, an essential element in creating and  strengthening sense of belonging to a community as well as bonds
- weekly live sessions with a guest presenter
- forum to discuss readings or topics of interest

Michael Coghlan

The Value of Synchronous Communication



Claire Siskin

Tools for Asynchronous Communication

tools for asynchronous comm.ppt


Dennis Oliver

Ideas for asynchronous activities:







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