

Page history last edited by Carla Arena 13 years, 6 months ago


The Online Collaborative Space

A Showcase of Educator-Generated Digital Production


July 29th, 2011 - Friday

23:30 gmt/ 20:30 Brasilia time

at http://bit.ly/rscon3carlapresentation 


Carla Arena




Carla Arena is a Brazilian EFL educator, teacher trainer, and Ed Tech Supervisor at a Binational Center in Brasilia,  Casa Thomas Jefferson. She has been using social media for learning to explore the potential of educational technology in the classroom, as well as beyond its physical boundaries, not only for the students, but also to promote ongoing conversations and material development among  educators. Carla is part of the TESOL's Electronic Village Online Coordinating Team and has been co-moderating the EVO online sessions for the past five years to help educators develop their digital literacy and fluency. She's a blogging fan and enthusiastic Webhead.




A wiki can give a boost in the educational community collaborative efforts. In this presentation, participants will have an overview of how a group of educators transformed the way they collectively constructed knowledge through an online networked space to share lesson plans and classroom materials that has been successfully impacting on student engagement and a better lesson design.



Here's the recording of this presentation:



Teachers' Testimonials


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